Top 5 NEW FPS Games of 2023 Part 2

Top 5 NEW FPS Games of 2023 part 2, Destiny II: Lightfall, Atomic Heart, Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun, Payday 3, Dead Island 2,
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Top 5 NEW FPS Games of 2023 part 2

2023 is bringing us tons of new first-person shooter games for all the major gaming platforms. Now, we've got 15 here today, that we're really looking forward to. So let's talk about them.

Starting off with number five, we have, 'Destiny II: Lightfall.'

This is 'Destiny II's' next big expansion, and this one seems like a big deal, and a pretty big change up, especially visually.

Now you might be watching and you don't play 'Destiny,' and you might even go and comment, and say that it's a dead game. I'm not really a big 'Destiny' fan either, but there are tons of people that still absolutely love the hell out of this game, and it seems like they're gearing up to be pretty excited for 'Lightfall.'

It's gonna come with a new location, a new subclass, a bunch of stuff to do, and a bunch of loot and stuff, and terms I don't understand, as a non 'Destiny' player, complicated stuff, but it seems like people are gonna be getting what they want with this one. They won't have to wait too much longer, because it's dropping February 28th, 2023.

Next, over at number four, we have, 'Atomic Heart.'

Now we've mentioned this one in a lot of lists. This is essentially a kind of open environment, first-person shooter adventure, heavily inspired by 'BioShock' but like with an alternate sci-fi Soviet twist.

You're fighting off against all sorts of weird mechanical creatures with cool guns, and strange otherworldly abilities, and a heavy dose of melee weapons too. The visual style for this thing is incredibly unique. That's what initially caught our eye, and we're hoping that the gameplay chops really back it up.

Still, it just seems incredibly unique. They've been crafting this thing for a long time, and it's dropping soon, and we're excited to see what comes of it.

Now down to number three, we have, 'Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun,'

which to me looks like it's just straight up bringing back the fun to first-person shooting. This is just a over the top, arcade-style shooter with cool graphics, lots of gore, and just some old school sensibilities, set in, of course, the Warhammer Universe with their weapons, their enemies, and stuff like that. I mean, we just love the whole craze of things inspired by 90s shooters. I think 'DUSK' really kicked that off.

The gun play just looks really intense and satisfying here especially if you're an old school fan. I actually did not know about this one until we started doing research for this list and I'm glad I did. I wish listed it immediately.

Now down to number two, we have 'Payday 3'.

Yes, which believe it or not it was announced and it's slated technically for 2023. Unfortunately we don't really know too much about it. Other than that, Star Breeze is once again developing it. It's being published by Prime Matter and it seems like it's gonna be a New York setting, which is very cool.

These games tend to live on for a while so we're hoping that developers really take their time and make this one rock solid because people keep coming back to 'Payday' for a reason. Robbing banks and doing heist is just a ton of fun in video games. I legally have to say that I mean specifically in video games.

Now down to number one, we have 'Dead Island 2'

which is a game that is finally releasing. It was announced in 2014. It jumped developers, it went dark for a while and now it's back in full glory with a cool sense of style and lots of creative zombie murdering all in first-person.

Hopefully this can do enough to stand out from the horde of other zombie games that have really kicked off since the original Dead Island This one takes place in California so you're murdering zombies amongst beautiful palm trees and sunset beaches and from what we've seen, the little gameplay trailer and stuff, it does seem like it's a lot of fun. Is it worth waiting like almost 10 years for? I don't know but hey, if it's fun, that's all that matters. As of right now it's dropping in April.

We still would wanna see more gameplay videos but this game looks pretty sick and we're looking forward to finally checking it out sometime in 2023.

Those are 5 new first-person shooter games for 2023 that we're really looking forward to. Of course, things get delayed so be sure to double check on release dates but it seems like it's gonna be a good year.

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